CUB’s Growing Hope – Episode 2

/, Growing Hope/CUB’s Growing Hope – Episode 2

In this months episode, Family & Community Engagement Manager, Tara Meacham, has a conversation with a parent of one of our Early Learning Academies students.

Our Early Childhood Education program is based on the premise that all children share common needs, and that children of low-income families, in particular, can benefit most from a comprehensive developmental program designed to meet those needs and hopefully break the cycle of poverty.

Cincinnati Union Bethel runs four Head Start preschools that prepare children 3-5 years old for kindergarten. Our Early Childhood Education program provides a rich variety of activities that foster the intellectual, physical, mental, emotional and social development of each child, while also supporting the family.

By | 2018-06-28T12:08:30-04:00 June 28th, 2018|